Will they back up the talk?
If Nevada Republicans want to win in November, they need to choose wisely in June.
California’s costly, delayed experience isn’t encouraging.
We’ve been here before as a country.
I suggest that our politicians spend less time attacking each other and more time developing a plan to reduce inflation.
Any candidate who does not accept the outcome of an election or who tries to overturn our government and damage our democracy should not be on any ballot in this country.
Only in Washington can Congress’s bipartisan efforts to combat fraud in Medicare and Social Security cause alarm from organizations claiming to be advocates for seniors.
Name calling, a senatorial fist fight, a congressional shot to the kidneys and a sucker punch to decorum. Congress needs a timeout.
The history of empires and nations that don’t mind the need for up-to-date weapons at the scale necessary to defeat or deter adversaries isn’t a happy one.
Do they have to gouge even in the parking garage?
Pence is right about populism’s threat, but his political problem is that he comes so very late to the game.
In regard to Senate Bill 4 on hotel room cleaning mandates: To repeal these requirements is ridiculous.
The legislative proposal to raise Nevadans’ property taxes highlights why government employees should not be permitted to serve as state legislators.
The Biden administration goes from underreacting to possibly overreacting to violations of airspace.
Would-be photo journalists don’t need to get too close.