There’s more to defending the Bill of Rights than battling voter ID laws, supporting abortion on demand and protecting those in the country illegally.
I just finished watching the amazing HBO mini-series “Chernobyl.” The biggest takeaway is how socialists and communists lie.
The immigration odyssey.
I am intrigued with two issues that are gaining traction: Free college (coupled with debt forgiveness of existing college loans) and reparations for the descendants of slaves.
Please, Dina and Nancy, keep it up. You are definitely helping get Mr. Trump re-elected.
I know well about deans in higher education, but I’ve never heard of a dean in K-12. So I assumed “dean” was a new title for “assistant principal.”
Bernie Sanders has a word for those who met their financial obligations by scrimping and sacrificing to pay off their student loans: suckers!
The evidence keeps mounting that America’s largest technology companies are actively suppressing conservative voices and content.
How could Alexandria Ocasio Cortez compare the U.S. border detention centers to concentration camps? Has she never studied history?
The very people who claim we are destroying the planet and must get off fossil fuels are the ones who fight the attempts to do just that.
The Supreme Court concludes its term this week and in the past few days has issued two rulings strengthening the Bill of Rights, tossing out rules that hinder free speech and erode property rights.
The 130,000-plus undocumented migrants who were apprehended crossing our border with Mexico last month was about the same as the number of troops who were put ashore at Normandy.