Enough already about the rats. Michael Ramirez, in his Aug. 5 political cartoon, used that topic to get in a swipe against Baltimore and the residents of that large and historic city.
Those who receive public benefits to which they aren’t entitled potentially divert resources from others who are truly in need.
Bullying and intimidation their main campaign strategy.
The drag on our economy.
Instead of taking away guns, let’s regulate the bullets. If you own a gun, handgun or rifle, you can buy only enough bullets for the capacity of the gun.
Most Powerball players hope to win big dollars, probably enough money to never work again. Under Sanders’ or de Blasio’s tax plans, only government would live the dream.
Clearly, more research of gun violence incidents is required … and, perhaps, that’s where our politicians should be focused.
It’s back to school time as some 320,000 students returned to classrooms on Monday in more than 330 Southern Nevada campuses for the first day of the 2019-2020 school calendar.
For the past several months, the Clark County Education Association has behaved like a spoiled child. Mr. Jara and district officials have the ability to control this tantrum but haven’t yet done so.
It would be different if he had a personal connection to recent shootings.
The federal government gets high ratings from bond agencies.
But “open carry” can be problematic.
I’m feeling a little lonely right now, but mostly I’m experiencing a tug at my heart that urges me to try harder and do better.