And it would do little to address global warming.
What happened to Bonnie Ybarra’s daughters at Hal Smith Elementary School is a parent’s worst nightmare.
Governor’s Office of Economic Development hands out goodies, but many companies don’t live up to their talk.
Tipping them off to help them avoid detection is a crime.
Let’s regulate gun ownership with fair and logical rules for law-abiding citizens.
Just because something isn’t 100 percent effective, doesn’t make it futile.
Let’s stop with the weak reasons why we should do nothing.
Trump takes credit for pushing Israel to follow its own law.
Nevada’s Medicaid expansion entailed relaxing eligibility standards. It remains a ticking financial time bomb.
When compared to Medicare for All, the public option sounds like a moderate alternative. Don’t be fooled. It’s just a slower way to get to single-payer health care.
Once a town throws money at a sports team and a stadium, that team will keep coming back for more.
I see a lot of people on both sides with “temper tantrums.” How are we to teach our children if they see adults with angry words and demonstrations in the streets?