Friends, relatives and neighbors are getting tired of the hate TV ads from Democratic presidential candidate Tom Steyer.
His version of the Green New Deal would cost $16 trillion and entails more “free” stuff.
It’s a valuable transporation asset for Southern Nevada
Improved grazing practices, recovery of meadows and streamside areas and other natural restoration practices are the best methods.
The leaders of the Clark County School District should be elated, not worried, about the possibility of a teacher strike.
Never underestimate the stupidity of people in large groups.
More rules on the law-abiding are futile.
Crisis threatens our health, infrastructure, economy.
Instead of slandering me behind my back, why not debate face to face?
Does anyone have a solution for this problem?
I wish the answer was easy. If it was, this problem would already be fixed.
If we just pull out, it will leave a dangerous void.
A Twitter exchange with Sebastian Gorka points up the lack of decorum on social media, and in real life.