Competitive markets outperform well-intentioned government interventions.
Marketing vaping products to children.
California is losing population for the first time since 1848.
Regulatory overkill is a hallmark of progressive California, where government interventions have caused many small-business interests to flee and left much of the state struggling with a housing crisis that has priced all but the wealthy out of the market.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg home and doing well after hospital discharge.
It’s doubtful they would think everything is just fine.
Voters have a choice.
Nothing wrong with pride in your country.
Billionaires aren’t the only ones who’d face a hefty tax increase if Sen. Elizabeth Warren or Sen. Bernie Sanders won the presidency next year.
How about raising the gaming tax?
Particularly the IRS.
Only 15.7 percent of Nevadans smoke. What about the 84.3 percent of the rest of us?
President Donald Trump is a good man, with a good heart, who has been slandered by his enemies.
On this Thanksgiving Day we ask God’s continued blessing on America, the envy of mankind, the land of the free.