Enforcing the red line.
What I know about homelessness in Las Vegas I learned on the street. But I find one element missing from the discussion that, in my opinion, is the key to successfully addressing this problem. I don’t define success as fewer homeless on the street, that is a given. I define success as less recidivism. In other words, those who make it off the street don’t return.
Let’s hope our state’s leaders bring it to them.
Rule by executive order and let the Supreme Court be the final arbiter.
A simple step to protect those who sleep above the first floor.
Everyone knows the United States has been at a disadvantage with its trading partners.
If the president bailouts a favored industry and no one notices, does it still increase the national debt? Unfortunately, yes.
But media ignore that many were started by arsonists.
People such as Jim Brown and Muhammad Ali were true profiles in courage.
Citizens get stuck with the bill.
Particularly when it comes to trapping.
Nevada’s largest teacher union treats its own employees much differently than how it insists the school district handle teachers.
Between 2016 and 2017, the country recorded the single biggest yearly drop ever in the cancer death rate.
Lower the speed limits on surface streets and freeways.