Ignoring mandates is a problem.
“Do as I say, not as I do” isn’t a great parenting strategy. It’s not working out so well for Democratic political leaders either.
As Gov. Sisolak ponders additional moves to curb the spike in positive COVID test results, I respectfully recommend he ban smoking in public spaces.
The current push for communism by radical leftists is scary. Be careful what you wish for. You might get it.
Since the re-opening on June 3, we have been going to the casinos, especially the South Point.
To safely increase the use of prescribed fire across the private-public land matrix of the West, it is important to provide private land managers access to appropriate training and certification programs.
There are indeed some hopeful signs pertaining to the pandemic.
Talk of a “do-over” is absurd.
Where’s that concept been the past four years?
California Gov. Gavin Newsom caught flouting COVID rules with lobbyists at a posh Napa Valley restaurant.
Last week, a coalition of 236 progressive groups led by teachers unions called on Biden to cancel student debt on his first days at the office.
If you want to see the national mainstream media’s double standard on religion, compare its treatment of Rev. Raphael Warnock and Amy Coney Barrett.
Government mandates may be in order.
It’s the art of self-preservation.