Biden-Harris policies reveal a radical agenda.
Ignore protocols at your own peril.
Putting Secret Service agents at risk.
Me, me, me.
More evidence that the governor virus communication efforts remain lacking.
U.S. COVID deaths hit 210,000 and counting.
On Monday, a bombshell letter from local health officials leaked to the Review-Journal . They accused His Majesty of consistently ignoring them when he issues his emergency directives.
Trump is by no means the first president or administration to be less than candid about the state of the president’s health.
Welcome to the crucifixion of Amy Coney Barrett. Brought to us by Democrats, who like to market themselves as the party of tolerance.
The number of Swedes dying from COVID has declined steadily since March.
I am not sure where Joe Biden took economics, but he should know that the economy is all intertwined.
The weekly daily average of 490 COVID-19 cases is much higher than the 264 daily cases in mid-September.
Why is a dancer providing live entertainment in a casino safe for the public, while a dancer providing live entertainment in an adult establishment is not?
Stunned. Dismayed. Speechless. Those are a few of my reactions on reading the Review-Journal’s endorsement of Rep. Susie Lee, a Democrat, over challenger Republican Dan Rodimer.
Democrats hope virus scare forces delay in Barrett confirmation hearings.