If everyone wore a mask and practiced the other health recommendations for a few weeks, the coronavirus would disappear, and we all could return to normal behavior.
It’s time to stop pretending science provides an infallible solution to the coronavirus.
Economically, relief is needed because unemployment remains at nearly 8 percent, and earlier rounds of government emergency spending have run out.
Civics 101 says the president — no matter which party he or she belongs to — picks federal judges, including Supreme Court justices.
Why does the state continue to end daylight saving time every year?
The biggest problem with democracy is that an ill-informed and poorly educated electorate can vote their way into tyranny in a single election.
“The problem with the current strategy is it is absolutely deadly to the people who don’t face very much risk from COVID-19.”
What safeguards are in place to assure those voting in person have not voted by mail or vice versa?
No matter the political persuasion involved, right now is an unusually excellent time for everyone to “Buy American.”
I don’t think I have ever heard anything as disrespectful to the American public from a politician as Joe Biden’s statement when asked if he would “pack the court.”
It’s difficult to understand the callousness of someone such as Jason G. Brent, who states in his Oct. 10 letter that “without abortion being easily available to all humanity at little or no cost, the human population will continue to grow until civilization collapses”.
An act of abject political cowardice.
If you’re concerned with protecting future generations from the accumulated power of the few, you should be bolstering faith in democracy, not talking it down.
Magnifying the ultra righties and the left-wing loonies.