It’s emblematic of 2020 that an unemployment rate of 10.1 percent is considered good news in Nevada.
We need more good news.
Republicans meet with Trump to continue the election fight.
He’s a non-politician who actually tried to keep his campaign promises.
If this virus hadn’t been dropped in his lap, he would be planning his second term.
Ignorant policy that ignores the science.
Learning is taking place in ways that were previously not imagined.
Why do Democrats back Joe Biden?
President-elect Joe Biden’s choice for energy secretary, ex-Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, is espousing climate policies that are driving businesses out of California to other states.
Here is a day for friends and family and — even during this pandemic — for again celebrating our freedoms and the bounty they create.
Gun education should be mandatory.
Offenders must be prosecuted.
Saturn and Jupiter aligned for the “Great Conjunction,” while Congress aligned to pass a 5,593 page $1.4 trillion pork-laden omnibus spending bill.