Abrupt and premature withdrawals would have the same consequences as President Barack Obama’s withdrawal from Iraq in 2011, which emboldened our enemies and cultivated ISIS.
Number of problem ballots exceeds the tiny margin between Ross Miller and Stavros Anthony.
I’m not sure what the final counts will be, but wouldn’t it be better for all to know that this election was fair, honest and transparent?
Governor Sisolak needs to crack down harder on the casino industry or his mandates and quarantines will not work.
Regardless of what side you’re on, we have just been through the most polarizing four years ever witnessed by Americans since the Civil War.
First, police agencies should trade in their current police vehicles for minivans.
It has been two weeks since Election Day, and serious questions remain as to whether we did indeed hold a secure and accurate election in Nevada.
The electorate understands what the elected can’t seem to grasp: If you want a big, bold government, you need to nurture a big, successful economy that can afford to pay for it.
Joe Biden likes to tout his working-class roots. It’s hard to imagine a proposal more at odds with that.
Democrats begin process of selecting leadership in a House election of diminishing returns.
If there’s no cheating, the Democrats blocking any investigation looks totally suspicious.
Nevadans didn’t need another object lesson in how contagious the coronavirus is. The state got one anyway.
The mainstream media gloss over, ignore or mischaracterize violent attacks by BLM and Antifa at the D.C. MAGA march.
I guess they will think it fair when we run out of hospital beds and have to be treated in tents again at Cashman Field.
Gov. Steve Sisolak says masks work to stop the spread of the coronavirus. I’m sure he wears his all the time. So how could he have gotten COVID-19?