Our congressional delegation should do the right thing by removing the big privatization of public lands from the Clark County lands bill.
Our political landscape is at maximum dysfunctionality. So what are the majority of Americans in the middle supposed to do?
The whole idea of individuals just being born into a lifetime of being financed for an extravagant lifestyle is ridiculous.
Mayor Goodman continues to find support from those who, while the most able to make a positive difference, choose to join the mob attacking the Las Vegas poor.
Sunlight creates better public policy. No wonder there is likely to be fierce opposition to allowing the public to observe collective bargaining sessions.
The $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan includes everything plus the kitchen sink.
After reading David Dandrea’s recent letter, I have never been more embarrassed that in today’s society someone feels they must apologize for being whatever they are.
After seeing the picture of a 27-year-old reveling with a selfie after getting the coronavirus vaccine, it makes me feel like I’m in competition for the inoculation rather than waiting my turn.
President Joe Biden put his signature on the $1.9 trillion “stimulus” bill, perhaps one of the most blatant examples of outright vote buying in the country’s history.
If you support due process for New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, you shouldn’t take those rights away from college students.
Gov. Steve Sisolak has the arrogance and gall to state that he made “the right decision” to close down and ruin the economy of Nevada.
With all the “cancel culture” going on, I can’t help but think that the Bible will be next.
Our Clark County commissioners got it right when they voted 7-0 to stop the slaughter of wildlife contests in Clark County. The state should follow.
Entire staff of Nevada’s Democratic party quit after Bernie socialists take over leadership.
Corporations left unchecked by the people’s government have historically led to a host of inequities and deep harm