With Democrats in charge of the House, Senate and Oval Office, President Biden’s blames Republicans for the country’s economic woes.
Now we have a baby formula problem.
The evidence continues to pour in that closing schools was devastating for children.
At the very least, 24/7 edict should be rescinded immediately.
Let’s look at the history.
And to help voters do their due diligence.
If Roe v. Wade is overturned, Nevada Republicans will have a major political opportunity.
Any democracy where justices deliberate under threat is unworthy of the name. But …
On abortion, voters are overwhelmingly opposed to extremism. Politicians in both parties embrace it at their peril.
Onerous regulations, bad trade policy and a recall contribute to America’s worst baby formula shortage in decades.
The gang in Washington over the past 30 years has turned the people against each other.
The right (or not) to an abortion should be decided at the state level.
Sounds ghoulish to this writer.
Fast-tracking desalination water projects in Mexico would be faster and cheaper than dealing with California Costal Commission red tape.
A state running out of electricity used to be a once-in-a-generation political crisis. In California, it’s now expected.