In defense of choice for the public schools.
Donald Huey Henderson
Time for a new “contract.”
By Leo Garcia Special / RJ
Proposal in Carson City is too broad.
By Kevin Cabble Special / RJ
Legislature should act.
Leftist judges want to turn Donald Trump into a president in name only.
By Rich Lowry King Features
She rejects the term “woke,” but there is no woke policy that she doesn’t support.
By Jon England
While private-sector unions negotiate with employers who must balance labor costs with business survival, public-sector unions operate differently.
Lawmakers should support Assembly Joint Resolution 3.
Anne E. James Henderson
Women deserve an even playing field.
Adam Lincoln Las Vegas
Harming everyday Nevadans.
A plea deal kept Mel Gibson out of jail, and removed his right to own a gun. But, he’s a friend of the president…
By Jonah Goldberg Tribune Conetent Agency
When will Vice President JD Vance condemn his own administration?
In case you missed it