Why do we even need a Congress anymore?
Don Ellis Las Vegas
Don’t believe the phony polls.
Robert Huggins Henderson
Senator misses the big picture.
Putting Putin in the driver’s seat.
Democrats were against the filibuster before they were for it.
Len Marciano North Las Vegas
In defense of choice for the public schools.
Donald Huey Henderson
Time for a new “contract.”
By Leo Garcia Special / RJ
Proposal in Carson City is too broad.
By Kevin Cabble Special / RJ
Legislature should act.
Leftist judges want to turn Donald Trump into a president in name only.
By Rich Lowry King Features
She rejects the term “woke,” but there is no woke policy that she doesn’t support.
By Jon England InsideSources.com
While private-sector unions negotiate with employers who must balance labor costs with business survival, public-sector unions operate differently.
Lawmakers should support Assembly Joint Resolution 3.
Anne E. James Henderson
Women deserve an even playing field.
In case you missed it