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Airlines brace for winter storm with waivers

The four major airlines spoke to Fox Business News with updates on how they are handling the storm — here’s what you can expect if you have current fares.

Healing of tree from wind damage can take 2-3 years

After a tree is damaged during a windstorm, healing can take two to three years if the tree is kept in good health. To do that, clean up the wound and apply management practices that encourage it to heal.

Can an experimental drug prevent dementia from Alzheimer’s?

The Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health seeks participants for a study of an experimental drug in people with brain plaque build-up but normal cognitive function.

COVID-19 cases in Clark County jump by 50 percent

The Thanksgiving holiday is likely partially to blame for a steep increase in cases in the past week in Clark County and statewide.

Holiday gift crazes and fads of the past century

The holidays are coming, and just like every year before this one, there’s sure to be a new gift craze or fad taking the country by storm. To celebrate, Stacker researched the crazes and fads of years past, from 1919 until today.

Decorate the holidays with personal flare

For 2022, holiday palettes are more creative than ever. Kate Jones, the owner of Ralph Jones Display, offers designs and ideas to express individual styles.

Fixing damaged concrete step is easy

Fixing a damaged concrete step is surprisingly easy. You probably have some of the necessary tools, so you will only need to buy, rent or borrow a few specialty tools.

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