Confirmed and suspected hospitalizations increased by 65 percent in Clark County, according to data released Wednesday by the state.
Confirmed and suspected COVID-19 hospitalizations statewide increased to 164 in the last week, a 16 percent increase over the prior week.
Residents of Macao will be required to be tested for COVID-19 after a dealer at MGM’s Cotai property and her family tested positive for the disease last week.
Although we don’t know for sure that we’ll see another surge this winter, here’s what you should know about COVID and the updated boosters to prepare.
From rethinking workspaces to how we socialize with one another, there hasn’t been a part of our lives unaffected by the pandemic.
Growing numbers of cases of a third respiratory virus have concerned officials, who also say we’re not defenseless against the threat.
The Clark County School District saw scores drop this year on a national standardized test compared with pre-pandemic scores, but eighth grade reading results held steady.
Cases and hospitalizations in Clark County and statewide plateau this week after increasing the prior week for the first time in three months.
The tweaked boosters have been modified to target today’s most common and contagious omicron relative of the coronavirus.
For the first time in 12 weeks, both cases and hospitalizations in Clark County increase this past week, according to new state data.
The Centers for Disease Control recommended the shots that target the newest omicron strains of COVID-19, including one for people 12 and older.
The local campuses are among nearly 5,000 schools nationwide participating in Kinsa’s FLUency program, which tracks fever-related ailments.
Individuals can make appointments for COVID-19 vaccinations, routine immunizations and monkeypox vaccinations.
Both hospitalizations and cases continue to decline in Clark County and Nevada.
Worldwide used vaccine, Novavax now available for adults in Clark County.