The legal system is weighted toward landlords, which means renters should know their rights before they sign on the dotted line.
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Airport managers are seeing less demand for aircraft parking for F1, but that may change as it gets closer to race day Saturday.
Several state lawmakers took sponsored trips but one top official’s travel stood out in state disclosures.
New Edition has sold out Encore Theater 15 times. They are about to add more to the list.
Nearly a decade after Yohan Lowie bought the golf course to build an expansive housing project, the legal battle with the city of Las Vegas appears to be nearing a resolution.
The Las Vegas Bowl takes place Dec. 27 at Allegiant Stadium. Here are the teams projected to play in the game following Week 12 of the college football season.
President-elect Donald Trump pledged to abolish the United States Department of Education, both before and after his election. What would such a change mean for Nevada public schools?
Here’s a brief rundown of the dozen counties that at least share a name and how they rank by population, according to 2023 U.S. Census figures.
The top listings in the Valley this month range from ultra-modern to European. They all boast amazing views.
Opened in 1993, but closed less than seven months later, MGM’s theme park was developed in an era when Las Vegas was viewed as a family-friendly destination.
The county initially refused to provide his resignation letter but acquiesced after Sam Bateman gave his approval.
Inmates at a women’s prison are learning the same skills as any other cosmetology student in Nevada, except they are doing it while incarcerated.
With Las Vegas Grand Prix race week upon us, road impacts associated with the Formula One race will ramp up this week as final preparations are made and the drivers take to the track later in the week.
For many independent restaurants, customer confusion, canceled reservations and lost revenue were the fruits of the inaugural Formula One Las Vegas Grand Prix last November.
Here is a breakdown of the 20 Formula One drivers entered into this weekend’s Las Vegas Grand Prix. The race is at 10 p.m. Saturday.