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Steve Sebelius

Lots of words, but few answers on background checks

Guns are back in the headlines, with mass shootings at the Westgate mall in Nairobi, Kenya, the Navy Yard in Washington, D.C., and in Chicago. President Barack Obama is calling for another effort to pass some reasonable gun control legislation.

SEBELIUS: Cowardly and worse

Where have all the Democrats gone?

Constitution compromise shows America at its best

On Sept. 17, 1787 — 226 years ago exactly — our Founding Fathers adopted the original seven articles of the Constitution, hoping and praying their ideas for a republic would endure into a future they could not know or even understand. They relied upon a keen understanding of human nature, reduced to writing timeless principles knowing that time would bring changes and necessary amendments to what they had done.

SEBELIUS: Lawsuit asks: Who really runs Nevada?

Who should get more leeway when writing laws: the Legislature, acting as representatives of the people, or the groups who write and circulate initiatives, which are ultimately voted upon by the people themselves?

SEBELIUS: Another delay in medical marijuana case?

Deputy District Attorney Christopher Laurent found himself at a loss for words Monday, as the Nevada Supreme Court sharply questioned him about Nevada’s ridiculous medical marijuana law.

Tax time for organized labor?

I’m just writing to ask if you’re really sure about waiting until well into next year to decide whether you’re going to support The Education Initiative, the 2 percent margins tax proposed by the state teachers union.

Brager gives sheriff Hobson’s choice on tax

Clark County Commissioner Susan Brager’s compromise police sales tax proposal is probably the best deal Metro will get.

We want roads, so we’ve got to pay taxes

The commission heard about 2½ hours of debate Tuesday on whether to increase the fuel tax in the county by about 3 cents per year over the next three years.

OPINION: Heck once again faces anti-woman charges

The last time Rep. Joe Heck was accused of being uncaring toward rape victims, there wasn’t any proof to back up the charge.

OPINION: Sheriff Gillespie changes his mind on re-election

It was just five months ago that Clark County Sheriff Doug Gillespie told the Review-Journal’s Mike Blasky that he would run for a third term next year. But on Monday, that all changed.

Seizing hope and homes in North Las Vegas

To say the idea percolating in North Las Vegas to seize mortgages in danger of foreclosure using the city’s power of eminent domain is controversial would be vastly understating the case.

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