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Steve Sebelius

Thanking those who serve America every day

On Monday — Veterans Day — as this is written, the U.S. military is standing up for its latest mission.

Churches not a-changin’

Evolution and religion are not two words that generally go together.

Is state Republican Party being snubbed in convention bid?

Back in August, when the idea first surfaced, very few were taking the idea of a Republican National Convention here seriously. Since then, it’s really taken off.

America demands the truth!

News item: U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., says he will hold up all presidential nominations until survivors of the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, testify before Congress.

House wins again in employee tip-pooling lawsuit

“It is unlawful for any person to take all or part of any tips or gratuities bestowed upon the employees of that person”

Slavery is bad, mmkay, but so is moral cowardice

Let’s put aside for a moment the most outrageous part of the recently unveiled videotape of Assemblyman Jim Wheeler, R-Gardnerville, saying he’d vote to bring back slavery if his constituents favored it.

What’s American and what’s not

Few debates in American politics are more useless than who is more patriotic than whom.

Gay marriage appeal that was begging to be filed

This is the appeal that had to happen. And, it just may be the appeal that changes things for thousands across the country.

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