Keep an eye on school building, bilingual education and renewable energy mandates on Day 31 the 2017 Legislative session:
Victor Joecks
Victor Joecks is a Review-Journal columnist who explores and explains policy issues three days a week in the Opinion section. Previously he served as the executive vice president of the Nevada Policy Research Institute. Victor is also a staff sergeant in Nevada National Guard. Originally from Washington state, Victor received his bachelor’s degree from Hillsdale College.
Many liberals believe in “positive rights,” aka the right to free stuff, like birth control. But that reading necessarily means that government will infringe someone else’s rights.
Here are three things to watch on Day 30 of the 2017 Legislative session.
It’s Day 29, and the start of the fifth week of the 2017 Legislative Session. It’s a packed day. Here’s what to watch for.
Donald Trump wasn’t the first candidate with carefully coiffured hair to campaign in Nevada pushing a hard line on illegal immigration.
Here are three things to watch on Day 26 of the Legislature.
Forget sanctuary city. Some Nevada politicians want to make Nevada a sanctuary state.
Here are three things to watch on Day 25 of the Nevada Legislature.
It’s Day 24 of the 2017 Legislative Session. Here’s what to watch for.
The Nevada Senate will soon consider a bill that would overturn Nevada’s ban on female genital mutilation, and Senate Democrats are tripping over themselves to vote for it.
It’s Day 23. Here’s what to watch for.
It’s already Day 22 of the 2017 Legislative session. Time flies when lawmakers are trying to raise your taxes and take away your freedoms.
A different kind of private school is looking to come to Las Vegas. If your family makes too much money, your children won’t be accepted.
It’s the third Friday of the 2017 Legislative Session, and lawmakers are, once again, heading out early. There’s still plenty happening on Day 19.
The solution to the financial difficulties cited by local governments in their campaign to raise your property taxes should be simple.