Imagine if the mainstream media applied its current hurricane-sized obsession with scientific accuracy to gender.
Victor Joecks
Victor Joecks is a Review-Journal columnist who explores and explains policy issues three days a week in the Opinion section. Previously he served as the executive vice president of the Nevada Policy Research Institute. Victor is also a staff sergeant in Nevada National Guard. Originally from Washington state, Victor received his bachelor’s degree from Hillsdale College.
Political leftists are making it clear they don’t just want to win elections. They want to banish from polite society anyone who voices even a single traditionally conservative value.
As union membership declines, it’d be more appropriate to label Labor Day as Labor Union Remembrance Day.
Congratulations to new Clark County School District superintendent John Vellardita. It’s obvious his power has surpassed that of Jesus Jara, superintendent in title only.
The Clark County School District wants to replace the current Professional Growth System. That’s according to Jason Goudie, the district’s chief financial officer.
A strike hasn’t happened yet, but politicians are already trying to shift responsibility for what has gone wrong. That’s not a good sign.
The leaders of the Clark County School District should be elated, not worried, about the possibility of a teacher strike.
A prominent gun control group has finally admitted it — they want to take your guns.
What happened to Bonnie Ybarra’s daughters at Hal Smith Elementary School is a parent’s worst nightmare.
When compared to Medicare for All, the public option sounds like a moderate alternative. Don’t be fooled. It’s just a slower way to get to single-payer health care.
A pastor believing the Bible shouldn’t be surprising. But it’s enough to cause Democrat presidential candidates to distance themselves from a long-time ally.
Democrats are once again using mass shootings to push gun control legislation that wouldn’t stop mass shootings.
The United States doesn’t need more gun control or higher taxes, according to Lisa Song Sutton, a Republican running in Nevada’s Congressional District 4.
Over the weekend, an Elizabeth Warren-supporting socialist committed a mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio. The media has downplayed that aspect of the tragedy.
Mario Lopez’s comments contained nothing that should be even slightly controversial for anyone who’s ever met a three year old.