Robert Kennedy Jr. and my wife have done the impossible — make me want to buy organic food.
Victor Joecks
Victor Joecks is a Review-Journal columnist who explores and explains policy issues three days a week in the Opinion section. Previously he served as the executive vice president of the Nevada Policy Research Institute. Victor is also a staff sergeant in Nevada National Guard. Originally from Washington state, Victor received his bachelor’s degree from Hillsdale College.
If Nevada Democrats had lived during the days of Robin Hood, they would have stolen from the poor to give to the wealthy. Just look at the controversy over school lunches.
When Democrats want to be safe, they implement Republican policies. Just look at the Democratic National Convention.
Kamala Harris supports Israel like Barack Obama supported traditional marriage in 2008. Just enough to win the election.
Clark County just inadvertently admitted that signature verification isn’t a reliable security measure. Just don’t expect officials to acknowledge it.
When Donald Trump uses hyperbole, mainstream media members pull out their fainting couches. When Vice President Kamala Harris tells brazen falsehoods, they fawn over her.
The things that made the Olympics so incredible are what the left wants to destroy in this country.
The funniest thing on TV is the Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign. You just have to know what to look for.
If he weren’t Jewish, Vice President Kamala Harris likely would have selected Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro as her running mate.
The book “1984” is supposed to be a warning. Today’s leftists are using it as an instruction manual.
If voters want to fix this, they need to select candidates who will learn from past mistakes, not repeat them.
Attorney General Aaron Ford is supposed to be Nevada’s top law enforcement officer. Yet, his office is making a mockery of Nevada’s public records law.
Even when Vance is wrong on specific policies, he’s thoughtfully trying to fix the right problems.
Silencing cell phones won’t fix everything, but it will help students learn more in the classroom.
As Kamala Harris reintroduces herself the public — yet again — here are 8 questions she needs to answer.