There’s little need to become an interplanetary country if we can’t populate the country we already have.
Victor Joecks

Victor Joecks is a Review-Journal columnist who explores and explains policy issues three days a week in the Opinion section. Previously he served as the executive vice president of the Nevada Policy Research Institute. Victor is also a staff sergeant in Nevada National Guard. Originally from Washington state, Victor received his bachelor’s degree from Hillsdale College.
Strong leaders don’t just push popular policies. They push policies that become popular. That’s a major difference between Gov. Joe Lombardo and President Donald Trump.
President Donald Trump is back. He’s brought along the commonsense and optimism that were sorely missing during Joe Biden’s failed tenure.
Donald Trump’s job is to make America great again. Improving your own life is up to you.
The American government should put America first. That seems obvious, but Secretary of State nominee Marco Rubio just laid out why it hasn’t been happening.
California’s problem is that Newsom and many others have been competent — at implementing leftist absurdities.
Wildfires are inevitable. The apocalyptic devastation seen in Los Angeles isn’t.
It’s possible to prevent schools from exposing children to sexually explicit material. Doing so should be a priority.
The speech may be called the State of the State, but it will function as the start of Gov. Joe Lombardo’s re-election bid.
The world is full of people who want you dead. As the New Orleans terrorist attack shows, it’s an unpleasant and sometimes unavoidable truth.
Santa Claus needs to deliver a big lump of coal to the Southern Nevada Health District. It’s now cracking down on kids selling cookies.
In the Harry Potter series, the villain Lord Voldemort is known as “He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.” There’s a similar sentiment whenever someone expresses a heterodox opinion on vaccines.
Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford hopes supporting illegal immigrants will help him win the governor’s mansion.
Many Democrats want to rip off Lady Justice’s blindfold. Just look at recent events in New York City.
President Joe Biden is the authoritarian threat the left claims Trump will be. Just look at his pardon of Hunter Biden.