It’s hard to take teachers’ cries of poverty seriously once you know their salaries.
Victor Joecks
Victor Joecks is a Review-Journal columnist who explores and explains policy issues three days a week in the Opinion section. Previously he served as the executive vice president of the Nevada Policy Research Institute. Victor is also a staff sergeant in Nevada National Guard. Originally from Washington state, Victor received his bachelor’s degree from Hillsdale College.
The desperate cries of low-income children and mothers are no match for Democrat’s desire for political power.
The best way to stop a bully is to punch him in the nose. Legally speaking, that’s what Superintendent Jesus Jara just did.
If more money could fix Nevada’s broken education system, the Clark County Education Association wouldn’t be threatening to strike.
Unless Gov. Joe Lombardo acts quickly, Nevada’s sole school choice program is about to shrink dramatically.
If you want kids to do better in math, their math instruction should focus on math. Not according to California bureaucrats.
Society would have more success turning boys into men if it provided a coherent definition of the term.
The decline of San Francisco shows why Las Vegas officials should clamp down on crime and homelessness in and around the Strip.
Before you vote for Donald Trump, ensure he has a realistic plan to win the 2024 election. At this point, he doesn’t.
The military went woke, and now it’s facing a significant recruiting shortfall. Yes, those two things are connected.
Donald Trump is finally coming back to Las Vegas. Before Republicans hand him their presidential nomination, there’s one question they should want him to answer.
It’s amazing how racist many leftists sound when defending affirmative action.
Clark County School District superintendent Jesus Jara has laid the groundwork for his own dismissal
A good guy with a gun just did something gun control laws couldn’t do — stop a would-be mass shooter.
Global warming alarmists wrap themselves in the veneer of scientific authority, but what they demand is blind faith.