Cole Ford, former NFL kicker for the Oakland Raiders who fired a shotgun at house of Siegfried …

Cole Ford, former NFL kicker for the Oakland Raiders who fired a shotgun at house of Siegfried ...

Cole Ford, former NFL kicker for the Oakland Raiders who fired a shotgun at house of Siegfried and Roy back in 2004, smiles during his appearance in Clark County District Court, Tuesday morning, May 9, 2006. Ford, who reportedly suffers from paranoid schizophrenia, was being held at the Lakes Crossing state facility undergoing treatment after being found mentally incompetent to stand trial. Ford has shown such improvement that prosecutors may offer a plea deal that would offer no jail time. CLINT KARLSEN/REVIEW-JOURNAL

News; Cole Ford, former Raiders kicker who fired a gun at house of Siegfried and Roy, smiles in district court, Tuesday morning, May 9, 2006. CLINT KARLSEN/REVIEW-JOURNAL (ORIGINAL SLUG:cole_1_050906)