Referee John Hathaway (Marines), white cap, center, headed an officiating and game management c …

Referee John Hathaway (Marines), white cap, center, headed an officiating and game management c ...

Referee John Hathaway (Marines), white cap, center, headed an officiating and game management crew comprised solely of U.S. Armed Forces veterans at Friday’s Silverado vs. Coronado Class 4A semifinal playoff game on Veterans Day. From left to right: Gordon Washington (Army), Charles Coffman (Marines), Richard Mumphord (Air Force), Robert Steele (Air Force), Larry Austin (Air Force), Randy Crawford (Army), Hathaway, Tim Kiefer (Navy), Stan Ward (Air Force), Dex High (Air Force), Tim Harris (Marines), Alan Hennig (Army), John Longo (Army). (Courtesy SNOA)