Sports Columns
There is life outside the Bowl Championship Series cartel each holiday season, life beyond those five games worth millions and millions of dollars to the conferences fortunate enough to have member schools selected.
A major futures wager was placed by the Green Bay Packers 2½ years ago, and the result finally was posted Sunday. Aaron Rodgers, as most of us strongly suspected all along, was the right choice.
The more I watch Chace Stanback play basketball, the more I wonder what Ben Howland was thinking.
Recent developments in the Mountain West Conference recall the board game Monopoly, with commissioner Craig Thompson cast in the role of Rich Uncle Pennybags, minus the top hat and bushy mustache.
If a tough guy gets his teeth knocked out, he stops smiling and starts brawling. Six days ago, ironman receiver Hines Ward and the Pittsburgh Steelers’ proud defense got punched in the mouth.
Almost every pass was delivered on the money, he executed a smart game plan to perfection and he played with a raging emotional fire. It was a classic performance by the NFL’s top quarterback, Tom Brady.
Disappointing. You would think UNLV football coaches might have stayed up on this whole fake-an-injury-when-your-guys-are-dead-tired strategy that seems to have grabbed onto college defenses across the country, or at least the ones playing Oregon.
Playtime is over for now. UNLV has won its first two basketball games to open what should be a highly successful season, and yet we have learned just a couple of things about the Rebels, neither of which will mean anything when Wisconsin visits Saturday.