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In The Outdoors

Freelance writer Doug Nielsen is a conservation educator for the Nevada Department of Wildlife. His “In the Outdoors” column, published Thursday in the Las Vegas Review-Journal, is not affiliated with or endorsed by the NDOW. Any opinions he states in his column are his own.

Presentation, not the choice of bait, often the key to catching fish

Few things are more frustrating to an angler than putting in a long day on the water only to come home with a limited catch or no catch at all. To guard against such an eventuality, we load up with sundry lures and bait offerings so we have several options to choose from if our go-to baits fail to yield a bite.

Be alert – rattlesnakes enjoy pleasant spring weather in the desert, too

One early summer evening, my friend Ron and I decided to shoot our muzzleloading rifles in the remnants of an old gravel pit located in the desert near my home. At the time, such activity was still legal in that area, and we wanted to take advantage of the somewhat cooler temperatures that come with the setting sun. What we didn’t count on was running into someone else who wanted to take advantage of the cooler temperatures as well.

Opinions sought for development on Lake Mohave

Changes are on tap for Cottonwood Cove and Katherine Landing, two of the three developed areas at Lake Mohave. Then again, they might not be, and the decision as to whether changes will take place could depend on your opinion along with those of all the other recreationists who are willing to share their thoughts about what happens at these popular destinations.

Be sure to inspect camping gear before heading out

Spring officially has arrived, and that means it is time to blow the dust off your camping gear and head outside. Daytime temperatures are nice, and, depending on how far north you travel or how high in altitude you climb, the nights still are cool enough to enjoy the warmth of a glowing campfire and the taste of toasted marshmallows.

Bills take shots at youths’ rights

Some things one never forgets, like those special birthday gifts that keep on giving long after the cake and ice cream are gone and the celebration is over. For me, one of those gifts is the Marlin Model 60, a semi-automatic rifle my father gave me the day I turned 12.

As ice melts, trout fishing flourishes

Ice covering the reservoirs at the Kirch Wildlife Management Area has thawed and refrozen two or three times, but with temperatures now holding on the warm side, one probably can be safe in saying that ice-out officially has arrived and with it some of the year’s best trout fishing.

Hunting test holds dogs to high standards

To say that Sam is excited would be a gross understatement, and anyone who says Sam would rather be curled up on the couch or lying in the shade is out of touch with reality.

Now is time to secure right to hunt, fish, trap

Last week, I wrote of the surprises that sometimes come out of the Nevada Legislature when it’s in session, and it didn’t take long to find one. On Monday, one of those surprises emerged on the floor of the State Senate with the introduction of Senate Joint Resolution No. 7, a surprise that could have far-reaching ramifications for the sportsmen and sportswomen of the Silver State.

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