Tickets to the 2025 Formula One Las Vegas Grand Prix, which go on sale next month, will be 35 percent cheaper on average compared with last year’s race.
National Finals Rodeo
Check out the scores and top performances from Monday’s high school baseball, softball and boys volleyball action.
Pulling the welcome map.
Take a look at some editorial cartoons from across the U.S. and world.
There are plenty of great accomplishments that riders, ropers and racers bring into the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo every year. And it’s the goal of all the contestants just to make it to the Super Bowl of Rodeo at the Thomas & Mack Center.
Here’s the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo Schedule for Tuesday, Dec. 6, and Wednesday, Dec. 7.
Thousands of rodeo fans came to Cowboy Christmas on Sunday for some retail therapy and entertainment. The 31st annual shopping spectacular features more than 400 vendors occupying a 440,000-square-foot space at the Las Vegas Convention Center’s South Hall.
Fourth-round results from the National Finals Rodeo on Sunday, Dec. 4, 2016.
The 18-year-old from Utah has now won all four saddle bronc riding go-rounds after yet another win on Sunday.
Pamela Capper, a 53-year-old rookie, is competing in her first Wrangler National Finals Rodeo and win her first go-round.
In the 2016 Wrangler National Finals Rodeo, 10 of the 15 saddle bronc contestants are related to at least one other rider in the field. That makes for a lot of compelling stories.
Here’s the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo Schedule for Monday, Dec. 5, and Tuesday, Dec. 6.
Ryder Wright took home first place in saddle bronc riding for the third straight night on Saturday at the Thomas & Mack Center.
R.C. Landingham finished 16th in two consecutive years and then 19th before making it to his first WNFR this year.