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Bareback rider Mote OK in role as hunted

Bobby Mote says no lead is big enough when the National Finals Rodeo begins.

He worked all year to build his lead and would rather be the one being chased than the one doing the chasing.

But Jason Jeter, who won Thursday night’s opening round of bareback riding at the Thomas & Mack Center, said he prefers being the hunter.

“One year I came in thinking I had a real legit shot at winning a world title, and thinking about it didn’t help me,” said Jeter, who is seeking his first Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association championship.

Each of the 118 contestants who competed Thursday in the $5.5 million rodeo would like to be in the top spot after 10 consecutive nights of competition culminate with world championships.

That’s when being No. 1 really matters, but to Mote there’s nothing better than starting the rodeo at the top of the standings.

Mote tied for seventh in the opening go-round and didn’t earn a penny, but his $152,183 won this year still is $46,000 more than NFR rookie Justin McDaniel, his closest pursuer. Mote, the 2002 bareback champion, is nearly $60,000 ahead of the fifth-place Jeter.

“I want as big a lead as I can, and want to keep extending it,” Mote said. “Coming here in the lead is a luxury for working your butt off all year.”

Jeter said he believes Mote and the other season money leaders are aware of what’s happening within their respective 15-person events.

“He has to look back at us,” Jeter said, “and we just have to chip away at his lead.”

Two-time reigning bareback world champion Will Lowe started last year’s NFR with a big lead and held on for the championship, although Mote made a run from 10th place to second after winning $102,000 in Las Vegas.

The problem for Mote was that Lowe set an NFR record by winning $128,302 and easily beat him for the title by $100,000.

“I really don’t come here with a plan,” Lowe said. “I just love to ride bucking horses and try just as hard every time out.”

Said Jeter: “Everybody expects Bobby to win it. Nobody expects any of us to catch him.”

Mote said he wouldn’t change where he’s positioned.

“I wasn’t blessed with a lot of raw talent, so I have to find ways to win,” he said. “Experience can’t be replaced.”

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