** ADVANCE FOR WEEKEND EDITIONS AUG. 31-SEPT. 1 ** Oakland Raiders quarterback Rich Gannon drop …

** ADVANCE FOR WEEKEND EDITIONS AUG. 31-SEPT. 1 ** Oakland Raiders quarterback Rich Gannon drop ...

** ADVANCE FOR WEEKEND EDITIONS AUG. 31-SEPT. 1 ** Oakland Raiders quarterback Rich Gannon drops back to pass during a pre-season game against the San Francisco 49ers Saturday, Aug. 24, 2002 in Oakland, Calif. After spending four years perilously close to the mainstream under all-American coach Jon Gruden, the angry men in black appear to be back in Oakland. The Raiders, whose veterans are more focused than ever on finally winning a Super Bowl, once again seem to be following owner Al Davis’ decades-old belief that the NFL is out to get them. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)