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Connor Fields finishes seventh in Olympic BMX final

He sat down to write in a journal Thursday evening, overlooking the Olympic village and envisioning his voyage to it. Connor Fields wanted more than anything else to grasp the moment and how so many played a part in delivering him here. His friends, his family, his coaches past and present.

World leaves U.S. behind in sprints

It has been described as the physical wearing out of a population and the deterioration of people that becomes a defining condition of their existence.

American spirit on display in women’s soccer victory

Greatness never has been an issue with women’s soccer in the United States, a side that most of the world has chased for 20 years now. Greatness wasn’t found in iconic Wembley Stadium on Thursday night. Resiliency was.

IOC constraints ruin breakthrough

The slower she ran, the farther she trailed, the louder the ovation grew, the bigger the moment became, the more opportunity presented itself to Sarah Attar.

China, world weep for Liu

Some images never fade: Her name was Wang Lei, and she stood under the larger-than-life silhouette of her hero. Her heart was broken. Her world was crashing down.

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