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Jerry Maras wins qualifier to USGA Senior Amateur Championship

Golf instructor earns spot in Hall of Fame

Jimmie Bullard doesn’t have a leg to stand on right now. But in a few weeks, he’ll surely be a stand-up guy when he’s officially inducted into the Las Vegas Golf Hall of Fame.

Movement results in penalty

Q. A friend asked me for a ruling last week, which I gave her and now I am checking with you to see if I gave her the correct ruling. She was walking, pulling a cart and accidentally moved her ball, which was lying on the cart path. I told her that I thought she had to replace the ball and take a penalty stroke. She could then take cart path relief if she wanted it. Was I right? — SB

TPC Las Vegas offers casual players a PGA experience

In the aftermath of a scintillating PGA Championship at which a journeyman pro from Korea became the first man to knock Tiger Woods off his throne during the final round of a major, it is only fitting to profile the TPC Las Vegas — known by many locals simply as “The Canyons.”

‘Rescue’ your golf game

How do you rescue a fledgling golf game anyway? Buy a new driver and start crushing your drives? Listen to all the tips your friends and families are eager to give you? Buy a new putter?

Northwest’s Silverstone offers complete experience

With dozens of Southern Nevada golf courses vying for the business of today’s cost-conscious players, it might seem like bare-bones facilities would have a distinct advantage. Silverstone Golf Club, however, has turned that notion on its ear, positioning itself as an affordable but all-inclusive golf outing.

Staked tree does not necessarily give relief

Q. Do I always get relief from a staked tree? I know you’ve answered this question before but the girls I play with won’t believe me unless they see it in writing. — Carolyn Reiner

Spend half of practice time on putting, chipping

As golfers we are always searching for ways to lower our scores. There are many ways to accomplish this but the quickest and, in my opinion, the best way is to spend more time practicing on your short game.

Stead, Hahn team win tourney

For the second year in a row, the Cleveland Golf Pro-Scratch at Angel Park Golf Club was decided on the first sudden-death playoff hole. The two-person team made up of professional David Stead and amateur John Hahn edged out three other teams after their two tournament rounds of 63 on July 12 and 13 left them tied with Joel Kijowski and Clayton Yadda (64-67), Mike Ruiz and James Logeman (65-66) and Jake Ellison and John Busby (67-64).

Alex Cejka can take heat on course

While we’re all sweltering in this 110-plus degree heat, PGA Tour player Alex Cejka reminds you it could certainly be worse, based on the old adage: It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity.

Palm Course ideal for weekend warriors

Back in 1989, Arnold Palmer helped create Angel Park Golf Club, a sprawling complex built around the desires — and limitations — of recreational golfers. Tough enough to challenge accomplished players, Angel Park’s two 18-hole courses were really conceived around the idea that most weekend warriors don’t have the length to play 7,000-yard tracks and will become frustrated hitting long irons on every par-4 approach. Two decades later, Angel Park continues to be among the valley’s most popular facilities, proving the strategy’s soundness.

Improve your scores — this season

Most of the top players in the game understand that the way to permanently lower their scores is to improve their short game.

Concern arises over scoring

Q. We have a problem at our weekly ladies play day and club tournaments with players who can’t seem to count the strokes they take on a hole. This is an ongoing concern since some of these women always get paired together and seem to win every week. Is there anything we can do about this? — S.P.

UNLV men’s team makes 21 consecutive regional bids

The UNLV men’s golf team has set such a high standard of excellence in coach Dwaine Knight’s 22 years at the helm that anything short of reaching the NCAA Championships can be a tough pill to swallow.

In case you missed it