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Weekly Editorial Recap

Like every other Nevada government, North Las Vegas has a union payroll it can no longer afford. The economy has degraded finances to the point where layoffs are unavoidable. …

As many as 21 North Las Vegas Fire Department positions could be eliminated by summer. But rather than make contract concessions including pay cuts, the firefighters came up with a different way to save their jobs: taking over the transport of most emergency patients (including all traffic accident victims) to local hospitals from the ambulance company that provides the service.

The City Council held a special meeting on the issue Feb. 17, and it didn’t go in the firefighters’ favor. It was obvious the plan, if adopted, would result in the layoffs of MedicWest paramedics — sacrificing more private-sector jobs to maintain the unsustainable salaries and benefits of public-sector workers. So the proposal was tabled. …

“Internally, there are people still evaluating the issue,” said city spokeswoman Juliet Casey. “But right now it’s not scheduled to come back on any agenda.”

Note the qualifying context of “right now.” In other words, the plan is very much alive and could be brought back when no one is paying attention.

Unfortunately, North Las Vegas is not alone in trying to subvert its franchise agreement with MedicWest. Other jurisdictions are considering muscling out the private sector to meet Fire Department payrolls. Such power plays do not serve the public interest — they temporarily insulate firefighters from the sacrifices being made in businesses and households across the region. What businesses might firefighters try to supplant when the next round of raises gobbles up the transport revenue?

North Las Vegas did the right thing in tabling its patient-transport plan. Now it needs to shred it, burn it and take the urn out behind City Hall to be shot.

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LETTER: Up, up and away

I contend that the gas produced by the City Council is worse than anything the common folk could ever think of.