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Shooting a warning to parents: get involved

To the editor:

Why is it that kids these days are acting without thinking? Could it be because of the environment they are growing up in? Or could it be because parents are not involved with their children as much as they should be?

I am inclined to believe that some parents just aren’t doing what it takes to get to know their children.

In your Wednesday article on the fatal drive-by shooting at Palo Verde High School, a quote from a woman identified as the suspect’s aunt really stuck with me. "He wasn’t raised like that, but we don’t know what these kids face," was the exact statement that was published.

Why is it that they don’t know what their kids face? Sure, these parents may have tried to raise and teach their children to be respectful, loving and caring, but how effective can it be without even knowing what they do every day?

In order for a child to become actively involved in their parents, their parents need to become actively involved in them.

Rafael Meza



Water grab

To the editor:

It is unfortunate that Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman apparently believes the negative effects of global warming on Lake Mead can be ameliorated only by fallowing productive farmland in California’s Imperial Valley. Global warming is a serious issue, to be sure, but it is also a global issue, which means that the response to it must be systemic and, in a word, global.

That the mayor would reflexively offer such a specific and localized remedy suggests to those of us reading his intemperate comments in the Imperial Valley that he hasn’t given this matter the consideration it deserves.

Instead, he simply trots out the tired refrain that the quick-fix solution to an urban water crisis is to acquire more of it from an agricultural area such as ours, preferably through fallowing.

For the record, water held in trust by the Imperial Irrigation District is used to grow food and fiber to feed the nation. The district, in case the mayor missed it, is already a signatory to the nation’s largest agricultural-to-urban water transfer, an agreement that will take up to 300,000 acre-feet from the farms and fields of Imperial County and send it to the coastal plain of Southern California.

The Imperial Irrigation District is doing its part to use water reasonably and beneficially in the era of limits. Can Mayor Goodman and his minions at City Hall say the same?

John Pierre Menvielle





Power bill

To the editor:

In Wednesday’s Business section, our Sen. Harry Reid explains how he has campaigned to stop the production of coal-fired power plants and that renewable energy would be less expensive.

However, in previous Review-Journal articles, it has been reported that coal power costs 5 to 5.5 cents per kilowatt and solar power costs 20 cents per kilowatt. I hope when our electric bill triples, Sen. Reid and his green friends will pay the difference.

Maybe he doesn’t read the newspapers.

Along the same subject, why do he and his green friends think they are saving the planet by not drilling for oil off the coast of or in Alaska, and instead spend all kinds of money to have oil shipped to us from halfway around the same planet?

Ross Wright


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