‘Providing a helping hand’
October 16, 2007 - 9:00 pm
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, charged with expanding the party’s majorities in next year’s elections, has launched its latest national fundraising drive without a single word about its political philosophies and policy priorities.
Instead, a four-page mailer from Maryland Rep. Chris Van Hollen, the Democratic committee’s chairman, spells out a strategy of attacking Republicans without mentioning what either party stands for or has promised to do come 2009.
Here’s what Democratic donors can expect in return for their investment:
“1. Putting Republicans on the defensive.
“2. Aggressively targeting ethically challenged Republican incumbents.
“3. Continue our work bringing change and accountability to Washington.
“4. Strongly supporting our Democratic candidates.”
You can’t blame the Democrats for sticking with something that works; they clawed their way to power in the 2006 campaign using the same template. To be sure, Republicans wore out their welcome by spending freely, abandoning their commitment to limited government and creating an “everything for sale” culture in Washington.
But Republicans hardly have a monopoly on scandal — Democratic Reps. William Jefferson and Patrick Kennedy have proved that. And it’s telling that Rep. Van Hollen isn’t parroting the tax-raising populism being espoused by his party’s leading presidential candidates.
Sen. Hillary Clinton, Sen. Barack Obama and former Sen. John Edwards have all vowed to increase capital gains and income taxes, launch ambitious, expensive new domestic programs and enact environmental policies that will make energy unaffordable for the middle and lower classes.
The closest Rep. Van Hollen comes to admitting as much: “Democrats are committed to improving lives, creating opportunities, and providing a helping hand when needed.”
Those promises don’t come cheap.