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President delivers another blow to Las Vegas

To the editor:

It appears that President Barack Obama was not satisfied with the standing eight count he delivered to the Las Vegas economy last year when he told businesses not to bring their conventions here, costing the city untold millions of dollars. On Tuesday, he once again revealed his true feelings for our fair city — and tried to KO Las Vegas with a punch to our economic face — by encouraging families to not blow their money visiting here.

Perhaps President Obama would be better served sticking to the scripted messages found on his teleprompter rather than risking revealing what he really thinks when he speaks extemporaneously. I know the people of Las Vegas and the state of Nevada would be better off.

Patrick Gossum


No deity

To the editor:

Once again, our all-knowing and all-seeing leader has denounced Las Vegas as a place for Americans to come and enjoy the almost limitless recreational opportunities that the valley offers the public.

Yet President Obama comes to Las Vegas on the taxpayers’ dime to stump for his political party.

I believe it is now time for the citizens to decide to assert their rights and declare Mr. Obama “persona non grata” and deny this person access to Nevada and the city of Las Vegas. If he is to land at McCarran, deny him landing clearance. If he goes to Nellis, do not allow him off the base.

This person must be taught once and for all that he is an elected official and not a deity.

Bob Merten



To the editor:

Here we go again. Far be it for the people of this city (including our mayor) not to overreact to the president’s latest Las Vegas comment.

People, you’re missing the message. He is not “dissing” our city, nor is he telling people not to come to Vegas. His comment is about spending responsibly, and I agree with his message that people should prioritize where they spend their money (i.e. saving for their kids’ college educations rather than gambling). He also mentioned not spending money on a boat when you can’t pay your mortgage, but you don’t hear boat manufacturers whining.

The fact is, he’s absolutely right, and we just look like a bunch of idiots when we get in a tizzy every time the word “Vegas” falls out of his mouth. People, please exercise some common sense here and stop making an issue out of nothing. The people who can afford to come to Vegas will come, regardless of what the president says, and the people who can’t weren’t going to, anyway.

You only make us look moronic when you ignore the message and overreact to a non-issue like this.

Gina Muscan


Stay away

To the editor:

Barack Obama, don’t come to Las Vegas. I don’t want you to spend the government’s “dime” on your planned visit here.

In his State of the Union speech on Jan. 27, he emphasized his concern about jobs for the unemployed. Nevada has one of the highest unemployment rates. So he tells Americans that they should not spend their money in Las Vegas. How about not spending money at Disneyland or the NASCAR races or by gambling in any number of ways on the Super Bowl in any state?

Mr. Obama must not see the “other” side of Las Vegas: the hard-working individuals who are struggling to make ends meet. This city has become my home. This state is my place of employment.

Stay away from Las Vegas, Mr. President. We don’t need any more stereotyping.

Sandra Richards


He’s right

To the editor:

Once again, Mayor Oscar Goodman has proved what a blathering idiot he is. He’s up in arms over the comment made by President Obama. I don’t understand why. Mr. Obama is absolutely right.

If a person is saving for college or a home, it wouldn’t make any sense for him to blow his money in Vegas.

As far as using Vegas as the example, so what? What is Mr. Obama supposed to say, “You don’t blow a bunch of cash in Cleveland when you’re trying to save for college”?

To Mr. Goodman, I say cry me a river, build me a bridge and get over it. Better yet, have another martini and shut up.

Mark Ogulnick


Bye bye, Harry

To the editor:

I am angered once again by President Barack Obama’s immature, irresponsible rebuke of Las Vegas, the city I have called home for 20 years. I look forward, however, to the president’s scheduled visit to Las Vegas in a couple of weeks. I was already pretty certain that Harry Reid will be thrown out of office in November. Now, Mr. Obama’s visit will guarantee it.



Brand name

To the editor:

According to some, the president has taken another swipe at Las Vegas by saying, “You don’t blow a bunch of cash in Vegas when you’re trying to save for college.” Balderdash. For good or ill, “Vegas” has become synonymous with gambling and fun.

Like Kleenex and Q-Tips, “Vegas” is a brand name that becomes the generic term for a product or service. And that, my friends, is a good thing. “Vegas” means fun.

Would you rather the president said, “You don’t blow a bunch of cash at your local Native-American gaming establishment”?

Jon Lindquist


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LETTER: Up, up and away

I contend that the gas produced by the City Council is worse than anything the common folk could ever think of.