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WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: Radical Democrats want more than open borders

I’ve tried in my career as a conservative commentator to rarely use the word “evil.” Disagreements over policies and agendas don’t make your opponent “evil.” As a matter of fact, most reasonable, common-sense Americans want compromise.

But what if I reported that Democrats are extreme, radical Stepford wives trying to destroy America, American exceptionalism, capitalism, the U.S. Constitution and the middle class? Some of you might say, “Wayne, you’re exaggerating.”

Nope. I’m not.

I’m going to play the role of Paul Revere. I’m going to expose a bill in Congress championed by congressional Democrats called H.R. 5383: the New Way Forward Act, introduced in December. It’s so extreme, radical, hateful and offensive toward American citizens that its only possible goal is the end of America.

I believe it represents evil. But I’ll report, you decide.

The New Way Forward Act — which supporters say is intended to “advance racial justice for immigration communities” — says anyone and everyone in the world can come to America — no laws, no papers, no background check required. It eliminates illegal immigration.

And it makes it virtually impossible for anyone to ever again be deported, for any reason. Being here illegally will never again result in deportation. But neither will committing serious crimes. This bill brags about ending the “prison to deportation pipeline.”

No criminal can be deported for drug offenses, fraud or felonies. Not for depraved acts of moral turpitude such as sexual assault, child abuse and sex crimes against children. Any crime that carries a sentence of less than five years will no longer result in deportation. In many cases, this includes manslaughter.

But even if you are convicted of a crime with at least a five-year sentence — such as murder, rape or kidnapping — this bill gives liberal judges complete discretion to allow anyone to stay in the country.

The bill even eliminates the statute that bars anyone from immigrating here if convicted abroad of drug crimes, or any crimes involving moral turpitude. So rapists, child molesters and MS-13 and Mexican drug cartel gangsters: Democrats welcome you to America.

But I’ve saved the worst for last. The bill is retroactive. It allows anyone and everyone ever before deported to come back — as long as they would have been eligible under the provisions of the new law.

Worse, some critics argue that language in the proposal would force the Department of Homeland Security to pay for deported criminals to come back with your tax dollars. The list of dangerous illegal alien criminals who have been deported numbers in the hundreds of thousands. They’re all invited back, and American taxpayers are on the hook for their plane tickets.

And, of course, once here, they’ll get free health care. Remember, every Democrat running for president raised his or her hands in support of free health care for illegals.

Now you know I’m not being harsh or exaggerating. Democrats really are extreme, radical, Kool-Aid drinking, America-hating, Stepford wives. Democrats are intent on destroying America and your way of life. And there is no way to compromise with people who believe in the end of America.

From this day forward, every Democrat running for president and every other office in the land must be asked by the media where they stand on the New Way Forward Act. And if they support it, you are looking at evil.

— Contact Wayne Allyn Root at Wayne@ROOTforAmerica.com. Hear or watch the nationally syndicated “Wayne Allyn Root Show” from 3 to 6 p.m. daily at 790 AM and at 5 p.m. every night on Newsmax TV (Cox cable channel 96).

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