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WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: President Donald Trump should pardon former top cop Bernie Kerik

This a tale of two Bernies. But first a story about the momentum of President Donald Trump.

Everything is going Trump’s way. Need more evidence of Trump’s success? How about an up close and personal Vegas story?

Bernie Sanders was in Vegas on Saturday. Bernie is a front-runner for the Democrat presidential nomination. He was here to unveil details of his economic plan. Pretty important stuff.

Across town, Wayne Allyn Root (yours truly) was giving a speech to the Sun City Anthem GOP Club. No national presidential campaign promoting it. No media coverage.

The Washington Post reports 100 people showed up for Sanders. My sources tell me that’s a “charitable” estimate.

At my event — on the same day, in the same town — I walked in to find a wild, enthusiastic overflow crowd of 300 Trump-loving Republicans waiting for my speech. Standing room only. The biggest turnout in the history of Sun City Anthem GOP Club.

I beat Bernie Sanders by 3-to-1 (or higher). Democrats think they’re going to beat Trump? They can’t even beat me — and I’m not running for president.

What happened in Vegas proves all the momentum belongs to President Trump. So now is a great time, Mr. President, to pardon a great man. The wind is at your back, Mr. President. You can afford to spend some capital.

I’m talking about another Bernie. It’s time to pardon Bernie Kerik.

While Sanders has been a politician and government bureaucrat his whole life, my friend Bernie Kerik served his country with honor and valor for more than 30 years. He’s saved victims from burning buildings, been shot at, stabbed and survived the largest terrorist attack in U.S. history and a bomb plot aimed at him.

My friend Bernie served as one of the most decorated cops in the history of the New York Police Department. He was an undercover drug detective and former leader of the U.S. Justice Department’s New York Drug Enforcement Task Force. He ran the largest jail system in America and the largest police department.

As the 40th police commissioner of the city of New York, Bernie was responsible for 55,000 civilian and uniform personnel and a $3.2 billion budget.

Bernie was one of the founding members of the board of trustees of the Twin Towers Fund, which raised and distributed $216 million to the families of emergency service workers killed on 9/11.

But my friend Bernie was an enemy of the D.C. Swamp. He was targeted for destruction and his life was ruined. He eventually pleaded guilty to false statements and tax charges that all started with failing to pay payroll taxes to his children’s nanny.

America’s top cop and 9/11 hero went to prison, spent time in solitary, served his probation and, in the aftermath, became one of the most aggressive proponents nationwide for criminal justice reform.

If ever there was a perfect candidate for a pardon, it’s Bernie Kerik, American hero. If ever there was a perfect moment to do it, Mr. President, that moment is now. You have the momentum, you have the American people’s support.

Contact Wayne Allyn Root at Wayne@ROOTforAmerica.com. Hear or watch the nationally syndicated “WAR Now: The Wayne Allyn Root Show” from 3 to 6 p.m. daily at 790 Talk Now and at 5 p.m. on Newsmax TV.

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