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WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: Democrat impeachment hearings have been a bust

Nancy Pelosi’s Democrat impeachment hearings have been a big bust.

The impeachment of President Donald Trump is such a bomb that if it were a TV series, it would be canceled after the first episode.

Only 13 million Americans tuned in to watch the first day. I’m betting the number drops significantly lower for day two. At this pace, it should hit zero somewhere around day three.

But here’s the amazing thing: Trump released the two transcripts. The funniest part of the hearings is that you and I know more about Trump’s conversation than any of the “witnesses” or “whistleblowers.” They all heard what Trump said from other sources. They heard about it from Johnny, who heard it from Joe, who heard it from Mary. This is kind of procedure they held during the Salem witch hunt days.

Now to the news that matters.

As I predicted from day one, this has all backfired spectacularly on Democrats. On the day before the hearings started, Trump had a 46 percent approval rating at Rasmussen. After the first day of testimony, he was at 48 percent. As of Friday, he was at 50 percent. The more Democrats talk on national TV, the higher Trump’s numbers go.

Meanwhile most every national poll shows Joe Biden’s numbers cratering. Who would have thunk it? The Trump impeachment hearings are the worst thing that ever happened to … Biden.

The Trump campaign reported 100,000 new volunteers signing up for the president’s re-election campaign since the impeachment inquiry began. The Trump campaign raised $3.1 million in small donations during the first day of the hearings.

Now to the best news of the year for Trump supporters. Remember Rep. Rashida Tlaib? Tlaib, D-Hamas, is the congresswoman who screamed about Trump to a crowd on her first day in office, “We’re going to impeach the mother … !”

Well loud-mouth, Trump-hating, America-hating, Israel-hating, capitalism-hating Tlaib is in trouble. The House Ethics Committee just released internal campaign communications showing her frantically begging her campaign aides to give her campaign money for personal use, which, of course, is illegal. You can’t use your donations to pay for your personal bills.

A few quotes from Tlaib, as released by the House Ethics Committee. She said she was “struggling financially” and “sinking,” even saying, “I’m not going to make it through the campaign without a stipend.” She texted, “Do you think the campaign can still pay me a stipend until the general? Trying to get out of debt.”

The Office of Congressional Ethics attached scans of checks worth thousands of dollars made out from Tlaib’s campaign to Tlaib personally.

Ironically, this is the scandal that should lead to removal from office. This is the person who calls Trump every foul word in the dictionary. Meanwhile, she’s stealing the donations of her supporters to pay bills.

She curses Trump for being a wealthy successful businessman, as if it’s a crime for politician to be successful. Trump takes no salary for being president, by the way. Meanwhile Tlaib doesn’t have $2,000 to make her rent and car payments or pay her child-care bills.

Trump or Tlaib. Which one do you want running the country? Which one do you want creating jobs? Which one do you want making decisions for our economy?

If the charges are proved, Tlaib is a fraud, crook and hypocrite of the highest order. She can’t pay her most basic personal bills, without stealing from her own donors. Yet she wants to control our lives. She’s Exhibit A for today’s Democrat Party.

— Contact Wayne Allyn Root at Wayne@ROOTforAmerica.com. Hear or watch the nationally syndicated “Wayne Allyn Root Show” from 3 to 6 p.m. daily at 790 AM and at 5 p.m. every night on Newsmax TV (Cox channel 96).

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