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Wayne Allyn Root

Wayne Allyn Root’s column runs Thursdays and Sundays.
Wayne@ROOTforAmerica.com … @WayneRoot on Twitter.

COMMENTARY: Do the math: Replacing Obamacare is a must

Neither Sen. Heller nor GOP Gov. Brian Sandoval has ever called a single press conference to discuss Obamacare’s destruction and bankruptcy of the middle class. Why? Why doesn’t that matter to Democrats, or establishment Republicans?

COMMENTARY: Dean Heller becomes One and Done Dean

Based on the calls, texts and emails I’ve received in the past 48 hours, Heller would lose in a GOP primary to a door knob. The GOP base now despises Dean Heller.

COMMENTARY: The heartwarming story of Daxton Alyn Beck

I was raised to love and respect cops. To me, cops are America’s biggest heroes. They run toward the sound of gunfire. They drive toward reports of violence.

COMMENTARY: Powerful forces lining up to stop Donald Trump

Trump threatens a whole lot of powerful people. They all have so much to lose. That’s why they are all frightened, paranoid and hysterical. So, they have to stop him — at all costs.

COMMENTARY: Obamacare is this country’s Chernobyl

Few can afford health insurance premiums because of Obamacare. So, middle class Americans are either going broke trying to pay the bills, or dropping coverage. They are losing health-care coverage because of Obamacare.

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