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Democrats’ economic policies produce only equality in misery

The economic news gets worse every day. The policies and ignorant anti-business ideas of President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have badly crippled the U.S. economy and savaged the once-great American middle class.

The debate is over. The proof is coming in waves.

Just days ago, we found out that one in six American males is unemployed. Millions of men have dropped out of the workforce. One economist described what’s happening as “worse than the depression.”

Obama claims the economy is creating many thousands of jobs each month. Well, not exactly. It turns out that’s either fantasy or pure fraud. Reuters just reported the Labor Department has revised downward the number of jobs gained between April 2015 and March 2016 by more than 150,000. Meaning someone’s been cooking the books.

Then there’s the gross domestic product. This is the only true indicator of economic production by a country. Less than a month ago, Obama’s own Commerce Department downgraded second quarter GDP from a horrendous 1.2 percent growth, to a depressing and devastating 1.1 percent. Our economy is dismal and dysfunctional.

From now on, the meaning of GDP under the policies of Obama and Hillary should be revised to “Gross Domestic Poverty.”

Because it’s now a proven fact that liberal ideas such as big government, big taxes, big regulations, big spending, big entitlements, big debt and government-run health care only create Big Poverty.

Sadly, this disastrous new economic news is small compared to the big picture.

Barack Obama will soon end his second term as the only president in the history of America to preside over eight straight years of GDP growth under 3 percent. Even pathetic loser Herbert Hoover enjoyed one year with GDP above 3 percent.

Yes, Obama is worse than Hoover.

The longest previous streak of sub-3 percent GDP in the history of America was four years (1930 to 1933), during the depths of the Great Depression.

From 1790 to 2000, America’s economy averaged GDP growth of 3.79 percent. Obama’s eight years are on pace to average GDP of 1.55 percent — substantially less than half of our country’s average economic growth for 210 years.

Even more frightening, where will the jobs and economic growth of the future come from? Business startups are literally dying. A Brookings Institution study found, for the first time in American history, that more businesses were closing each day than opening at the start of this decade.

Obama and Hillary’s destructive socialist policies are strangling, suffocating, drowning, depressing and bankrupting small business and the middle class.

Ironically, Obama and Hillary are hurting everyone — including black Americans, Hispanics, Asians, women and gays. No one is safe or immune from their ignorant and dangerous economic policies.

That’s why Hillary brings up the race card. When Hillary calls Donald Trump a racist, it’s just an attempt to change the subject. She wants to distract us from the truth about the economy.

She has no solutions. She has no creative ideas. She has “no game.” Amazingly, Hillary brags she will be the third term of Obama. She promises to double down on misery, malaise and economic disaster.

The irony is that Obama and Hillary believe so strongly in equality and social justice. With Obama and Hillary in charge, we are all — black, white, Hispanic, Asian — being driven into shared misery and poverty. How’s that definition of equality working out for you?

So from now on, when Hillary shouts “Trump is KKK,” it’s time for Trump to shout back “Hillary is GDP” — all she is good for is spreading Gross Domestic Poverty.

Wayne Allyn Root’s column runs Wednesdays and Sundays in the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

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I just don’t know if virtually banning business and commerce — literally destroying Las Vegas; leaving millions unemployed; and potentially starting a Great Depression — was the right path for stopping this deadly virus.