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COMMENTARY: Republicans should use Dreamer issue to go after minority voters

You know why Donald J. Trump is president? It’s not because of Russian collusion. It’s not because of “racism.”

It’s because the average middle-class American has dreams, too. We’re sick of being treated as second-class citizens. We’re sick of seeing Democrats put the dreams of illegal aliens over ours. We’re sick of Democrats talking all day (see Nancy Pelosi’s filibuster) about so-called “Dreamers.” We’re sick of Democrats shutting down the government on behalf of illegal aliens. We’re sick of Democrats fighting for free tuition for illegals, while our kids pay full fare. We’re sick and tired of being crapped on.

We have dreams, too. Only one man heard our dreams. And that’s why Donald J. Trump is president.

Trump’s message won over white, middle-class Americans. Trump heard us. And when Trump spoke, we heard him. The hair stood up on the backs of our arms.

But now it’s time for Trump and the GOP to attract a different group of American-born citizens. Minorities.

For years, Democrats have relied on racist “identity politics” to divide the nation and win elections. Supported by the biased-liberal mainstream media, they have lied to minority groups — specifically African-Americans and Hispanics. Democrats say they want to help them. The truth is exactly the opposite.

The Democrat Party’s true goal is to keep many members of these groups poor, helpless and dependent to ensure they will always vote Democrat. What’s the proof? Try these four words … Chicago. Baltimore. Detroit. Philadelphia.

There are many more examples of big-city blight. But these four stand out above all others. The poverty. Welfare dependence. Violent crime. Drugs. Teen pregnancy. The public education systems in ruins. The good people trapped in their homes at night like a prison cell. These cities are America’s “No Go” zones.

What do these cities have in common (besides misery)? They’ve all been controlled 100 percent by Democrats for decades.

Sadly, the Democrats have achieved exactly what they wanted: many poor, dependent, minority voters convinced they have no chance to achieve the American Dream … because white Republicans don’t like them and purposely hold them back. Funny thing is, there are no white Republicans in control of these cities. A white Republican on the streets of these inner cities is only a rumor.

There is a second part to this message that Democrats have been sending for decades: Because many minorities are prevented from getting ahead, their only hope is settling for a welfare check, food stamps and lots of free stuff. And only the Democrat Party will provide it.

It is time for the Republican Party to stand up and go directly to African-Americans and Hispanics. It is time to attack the lies the Democrats keep telling and the disastrous policies they have implemented. It’s time to tell them the truth: Democrats don’t care about you; they care only about your vote.

What issue could better demonstrate the contempt Democrats have for the poor than illegal immigration? What groups should be the most naturally against open borders and mass illegal immigration? African-American and legal Hispanic citizens.

When President Trump says he is looking out for “America First,” he means you — not illegal immigrants looking to take your job or keep your wages low.

Don’t legal, American-born, black and Hispanic citizens have dreams, too? If they want better jobs and higher wages for themselves and their families, the answer is to vote Republican … we’re on your side. We’re the party of American Dreamers.

It’s a simple, straightforward, powerful message. So, Republicans, start your engines. Go on offense. Play ball on the Democrats’ home court.

And, as a bonus, the math is great for winning elections. With this strategy, you actually gain two votes … one for the GOP and one fewer for the Dems.

Contact Wayne Allyn Root at Wayne@ROOTforAmerica.com. Hear or watch the nationally syndicated “WAR Now: The Wayne Allyn Root Show,” from 3 to 6 p.m. daily at 790 Talk Now and at 5 p.m. on Newsmax TV.

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