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COMMENTARY: Illegal immigration helping Donald Trump in the polls

Let’s start with polls. The mainstream media lied to us again. Rasmussen is the only credible poll. It got the 2016 election right on the money.

Sure enough, the latest Rasmussen poll is out. Trump is at 51 percent approval. Not only is that fantastic, it’s 5 points higher than Obama was at the same time of his presidency.

It’s also telling that Trump’s approval is 51, his disapproval is 49. More Americans approve than disapprove. But don’t the media say Trump is “unpopular”? Liar, liar, pants on fire.

But there’s another poll out that explains these results. It shows 77 percent of Americans believe traditional media are guilty of “fake news.” That’s dramatically up from 63 percent a year ago. In addition, 87 percent believe “fake news” permeates social media such as Facebook and YouTube.

It’s Trump against the entire mainstream media and the Silicon Valley social media universe — and Trump is destroying them all.

Here’s the reason: Illegal immigration. I believe illegal immigration and “the wall” won Trump the 2016 election. And I believe it’s the reason he’s doing so well in the polls now. Liberals are so out of touch with how real Americans feel about illegal immigration.

Liberals are shocked and dismayed that the Trump administration is putting the citizenship question back on the census. But the average middle-class American loves it. Rasmussen reports Americans support the citizenship question by a massive 66-25 margin.

Liberals are shocked and dismayed at “extreme vetting.” They think we should let everyone in — including Muslim refugees.

But average middle-class Americans know we can never let that happen. They can see the that United Kingdom has opened its borders to Muslim refugees and London is now “the acid attack capital of the world.” They can see London — with the strictest gun control laws in the world — is now leading New York City in murders for the first time since 1800.

Americans can see that Germany and Sweden opened their borders and are suffering an unprecedented rape epidemic. Women can no longer walk the streets at night.

Americans can see that France opened its borders and now suffers massive levels of rape, robbery and thuggery at the hands of “Moroccan refugee gangs.” A fews days ago, 1,600 Paris residents took to the streets to beg police to take action. The people of Paris say they are being “terrorized.”

Trump is right again. In spades. We can’t let just anyone into our country. We must question their beliefs. We must keep out anyone with insufficient records … anyone with criminal records. We must comb through their social media history. If they support terrorism, violence or hate crimes against Jews or Christians, they can’t come into our country. We can’t make the same mistakes as Germany, Sweden, France or the U.K.

Then there’s the so-called “caravan” in the news. It includes 1,500 Central Americans traveling through Mexico toward the U.S. border, daring us to stop them. They believed that thanks to rules imposed by Obama, we were powerless to stop them. They assumed Trump had to abide by those rules. They assumed wrong. Trump is creative.

As of Tuesday, Trump has defeated the caravan. He got Mexico “motivated.” He threatened to kill NAFTA. And to kill foreign aid to Mexico. Mission accomplished. On Tuesday afternoon, Mexico announced it had broken up the caravan and sent the “illegal border jumpers” among them back home. Bravo, Mr. President.

Trust me, the average middle-class American is giving Trump a standing ovation.

But I have one more weapon for Trump. It’s time to call for a tourism boycott. If Mexico doesn’t stop the flow of illegals crossing our border and refuses to pay for the wall, Trump needs to ask Americans to stop vacationing in Mexico. Cut Mexico off at the knees. Without U.S. tourism dollars, Mexico’s economy would collapse.

Keep this up and not only will Trump be re-elected, they’ll make room for him on Mount Rushmore.

Contact Wayne Allyn Root at Wayne@ROOTforAmerica.com. Hear or watch the nationally syndicated “WAR Now: The Wayne Allyn Root Show” from 3 to 6 p.m. daily at 790 Talk Now and at 5 p.m. on Newsmax TV.

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