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COMMENTARY: Donald Trump’s immigration order could protect Las Vegas from a terror attack

I think liberals are wrong about virtually everything. But the real problem isn’t their ignorance. It’s the fact that their ignorance is a danger to all of us.

Let’s examine their record.

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They told us for eight long years that the Obama economy was healthy. Yet Obama’s parting gift was just announced — the fourth quarter gross domestic product was up a pathetic 1.9 percent. That means the entire final year of Obama’s presidency produced a miserable GDP of 1.6 percent.

Obama’s economy was so bad, it set all-time records for futility. Obama finished up his term as the only president in the history of America to never produce a single year with GDP of 3 percent or higher. His record is worse than Herbert Hoover’s.

This is proof positive we need to keep liberals away from the economy at all costs. Because they not only hurt themselves, they are dangerous to all of us. Their ideas damage all of our incomes, assets and quality of life.

Don’t liberals tell us all day long how climate change policies are about fighting the scourge of global warming? Obama said it every day. But it was always nonsense.

We had only to look at Spain. That country changed its entire economy to become “the green energy capital of the world” back in the early 2000s. Isn’t that exactly what Harry Reid wanted Nevada to do?

The result? Economic devastation. Middle-class ruin. Jobs destroyed like never in history. Pensions in ruin.

Well, the truth about climate change has finally come out of the lips of a liberal leader. Days ago, U.N. official Christina Figueres admitted the global warming agenda is about transforming “the economic development model for the first time in human history.” In other words, it is about intentionally destroying capitalism.

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Is it possible Obama’s entire agenda was about the same thing?

Didn’t liberals sell us on the value of the Iran deal? Republicans such as Donald Trump called it “the worst deal ever negotiated in world history.” Sure enough, Iran violated U.N. sanctions with a ballistic missile test only days ago. Iran cheated (again).

Obama trusted the most horrific, murderous and terrorist-friendly regime in the world. How’d that work out?

Finally, there’s Trump’s temporary ban on immigration from seven of the worst terror countries in the world. Liberals are up in arms. A Vegas tourism official even voiced his fear that this could hurt tourism. Really? That’s what keeps liberals up at night?

As I wrote this column, a Muslim terrorist wielding a machete and screaming “Allahu Akbar” tried to commit a terror attack at the Louvre in Paris.

Radical Islamic terrorism is the only thing that could damage or permanently destroy Vegas tourism. And we need to be wrong only once.

Banning or “extreme vetting” of Muslim immigrants coming from Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, Iraq, Iran, Libya and Syria — in the name of protecting our country, our children and our Las Vegas tourist industry — will never have any serious effect on Vegas tourism.

In a town based on gaming and tourism, Trump’s policies have very little downside and one gigantic upside — keeping Vegas safe.

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Those who stay up worrying about the loss of tourists from Yemen, Somalia or Syria — or hurting the feelings of Muslims from countries that breed terrorism instead of worrying about the danger of letting in one wrong person who could perpetrate a 9/11 style terror attack in Vegas — are either naive or reckless gamblers.

Either way, they’re a danger to Las Vegas tourism.

Wayne Allyn Root (Wayne@ROOTforAmerica.com) is a best-selling author and host of “WAR Now: The Wayne Allyn Root Show” from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. daily at 790 Talk Now. His R-J column runs Thursday and Sunday.

WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: We’ll need a Marshall Plan to save the US economy

I just don’t know if virtually banning business and commerce — literally destroying Las Vegas; leaving millions unemployed; and potentially starting a Great Depression — was the right path for stopping this deadly virus.