COMMENTARY: Common-sense questions, observations after another mass shooting
There is only one issue in America right now: the mass murder at the Florida high school carried out by Nikolas Cruz. It was shocking. It was tragic. Unfortunately, you’re also hearing only one side of the argument.
This tragic mass murder is all liberals can think about because a gun was used to commit the heinous act.
We’ve heard how guns kill and how we need more gun control. We hear how we must ban the specific kind of rifle used in this terrible slaughter. But no one has mentioned that, as terrible as it is to see 17 young lives snuffed out at this school, this same death toll and carnage happens virtually every weekend in Chicago.
The typical Chicago weekend shooting toll is 15 to 20 dead, plus 30 to 50 wounded. Almost every victim is young — just like those poor high school kids. Almost every victim is black.
Why aren’t 17 deaths in a weekend more important than 17 deaths in one incident? Why doesn’t gun control work in Chicago (or anywhere else)? Why is this assault on African-Americans happening in a city controlled 100 percent by Democrats? Doesn’t that concern black Democrats?
These are questions rarely asked by the liberal mainstream media after a mass shooting.
Have you heard about the massive violent crime wave in the United Kingdom? I’m betting you haven’t. It doesn’t support the liberal narrative. Keep in mind that guns are banned there. Yet violent crime in the United Kingdom is exploding. Knife attacks are up by 26 percent in England and Wales, according to the Office of National Statistics. Should we ban knives? Should we institute immediate “knife control”?
In Mayor Sadiq Khan’s London, robbery was up by 29 percent, sex crimes up 23 percent, violent crime up 20 percent. But worst of all, acid attacks are skyrocketing. The number of victims being sprayed in the face with acid is so prevalent, London police now carry special devices designed for treating acid victims in Middle East war zones.
A former labor minister admits that there are “no-go zones” all over London and the United Kingdom that delivery drivers will not enter.
There were 5.3 million violent crimes in the U.K. last year. Very few of them needed a gun to destroy lives.
Then there’s the issue of FBI incompetence. It turns out Nikolas Cruz was reported to the FBI by a Mississippi bail bondsman last September after Cruz left a comment on YouTube that he was going to be “a professional school shooter.” It wasn’t an anonymous comment. The screen name was Nikolas Cruz. The FBI followed up quickly with the bail bondsman after the shooting, but ultimately did nothing.
Coincidence? Maybe instead of faking evidence to FISA courts, illegally wiretapping a president and wasting manpower on a “Russian collusion” wild goose chase, the FBI should be investigating real threats to our citizens.
Two more themes no one in the liberal media will say out loud.
Isn’t it time to discuss the role of Big Pharma and mood-altering drugs in these mass murders? It seems as if almost every mass murderer has prescription drugs in his system. Are we over-medicating an entire generation of young men with autism and ADD drugs without acknowledging the changes in brain chemistry? Why won’t the mainstream media allow this debate?
Lastly, isn’t it time to discuss arming and training teachers and administrators for self-defense so our children aren’t sitting ducks waiting to die in a classroom? Guns in the hands of good people save lives every day.
The great gun control debate rages. But these are the common-sense stories and arguments you’re not hearing in the liberal-biased mainstream media.
Contact Wayne Allyn Root at Hear or watch the nationally syndicated “WAR Now: The Wayne Allyn Root Show” from 3 to 6 p.m. daily at 790 Talk Now and at 5 p.m. on Newsmax TV.