Liberals, who have no head (see above), believe that conservatives have no heart.
Opinion Columns
Every mass shooting exposes the impotence of government. Thursday’s horrific shooting at a Capital Gazette is no exception.
Two of the Supreme Court’s most high-profile decisions this week involved unions and abortion, but the principle at stake was free speech.
Can you even imagine a white Republican restaurant owner kicking Obama administration officials out of a restaurant?
Adults with children caught crossing the border illegally should be released into the country if they claim asylum. A physical barrier wouldn’t deter border crossings, and Republican efforts to outlaw family separation aren’t worth supporting. That’s according to Hardeep “Dee” Sull, a Nevada attorney, who’s part of Lawyer Moms of America.
If you want to raise teacher pay, tell them how to opt out of membership in the Clark County Education Association. That’ll save them hundreds of dollars a year.
It’s getting ugly out there for President Donald Trump’s White House team. When they leave 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., they risk public shaming and are subject to mob intimidation.
Poor liberal snowflakes. They just can’t win for losing. The latest Rasmussen poll is out. American voters — by a landslide — blame illegal alien parents for the border crisis over family separations, not President Donald Trump or the federal government.
Some mass shooting are more equal than others. At least when it comes to media coverage. Last Sunday morning, one of the worst mass shootings of 2018 took place in Trenton, New Jersey, but the tragedy barely made a blip on the national news.
Why are news outlets treating the 2018 border crisis as if it is the worst?
Democrats are positioning themselves to vote down a bill that would permanently prevent the separation of illegal immigrant parents and children. Remember this the next time you see liberals compare President Donald Trump and his administration to Nazis on this issue.
Border controversy just a weapon of mass destraction
The recent Democratic primary was a setback for progressives, and the governor’s race will come down to which candidate voters trust.
If you want to understand why Republicans think the news media is biased, contrast how two recent stories were — and weren’t — covered.
“What happens here, stays here” isn’t just a slogan the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority uses to promote Las Vegas. It’s the attitude CEO Rossi Ralenkotter and his staff have when it comes to inappropriately spending taxpayer money.