If Darin Dyer had been black, his death would be national news. But he’s white, so no one is outraged that a police officer shot him while he stood in his own backyard.
Opinion Columns
If you support taking away opportunities from female athletes, you should be in favor of the Equal Rights Amendment.
The Sisolak administration seems to have taken its crisis management strategy from a two-year-old. Close your eyes and hope no one notices.
Sometimes ignorance really is bliss. Just ask someone if they want to know how their 401(k) is doing.
New education funding disproportionately harmed many of Nevada’s minority students.
If you want to understand why WNBA players make a fraction of NBA players, look at the Las Vegas Aces’ championship parade route.
When it comes to Nevada’s most watched political races, the national pundits have it wrong. Both Adam Laxalt and Joe Lombardo should be clear favorites.
The worst tragedies provide some of the strongest evidence for the existence of God. That’s counterintuitive, especially in the midst of hardships.
If historians one day need a symbol for America in 2022, the Artemis 1 moon rocket will do nicely.
If you want to be kicked out of a Clark County School District board meeting, just quote from a book the district makes available to middle school students.
Even the world’s most well-known creator of electric vehicles thinks the world needs more gasoline.
Often media bias is most clearly seen by what is downplayed and ignored. Just look at the last week.
Politics is about building coalitions to advance your core principles. That’s why Republicans should propose increasing the gaming tax to lower the sales tax.
A family’s ability to afford high school sports may depend on where they live.
Student loan forgiveness would only be the latest example of how Democrats are now the party of the rich.